This is the first time I've ever used a 2-page layout template. I liked it, but the more I added to it, the slower Photoshop seemed to run, so I'm not sure I will continue to create layouts in 12x24.
This layout taught me many new things though:
1. To print a 12x24, you must crop the first page to 12x12 and save it under a new name then do the same with the second page.
2. Look at all the layers when you first open a template like this. The photo frames were originally numbered and I couldn't get the numbers off. Then I realized there was a layer that just had text in it and conveniently, it said "Delete this layer." Duh Heather.
3. I also learned that I have WAY too many fonts installed on my computer. I couldn't make heads or tails of them and they were slowing me down.
4. Even though I have a lot of fonts, most of them are boring fonts. So I uploaded a free tool called "The Font Thing." I used it to uninstall many of my fonts. They aren't gone forever though. I put them in separate folders divided into Decorative, Serif, Sans Serif, Mono, Script and Handwriting, Symbols, and All Caps. Now my computer runs faster and I can find the font I need more quickly. All I have to do is click "Load" on The Font Thing to use the font I need at the time then "Unload" it when I'm finished with a page.
This page was made with:
1. a 12x24 template by Amy Bleser purchased from Scrapbook Bytes.
2. a kit called China Blue by Lie Fhung purchased from Scrap Girls.
3. the fonts Dephunked and Pittipat.