Every year I go holiday shopping with my mother and sister-in-law the day after Thanksgiving. We have so much fun. Each year we take turn giving out a little "care package" before we leave for shopping. This year it was my turn. I included things like toothpaste, toothbrush, lip gloss, gum, hand sanitizer, Bailey's Irish Cream (for our coffee in the morning), and a gag gift.
My SIL's gag gift was a huge fake diamond ring because she loves bling. My MIL's gag gift was a cane because the year before she was having trouble with her knees and joked about what we we're going to do with her if she ever can't walk on these trips. So I got her a walking cane. :) As usual, we had a great time, and I can't wait to go again this year.
These pages are QuickPages from the Holiday or Not Collection at the Shabby Shoppe.